Cromford News

Cromford Choir Concert - October 2022


Alfreton Male Voice Choir brought Queen to Cromford.  The Choir entertained an audience at a concert organised by our WI in the beautiful parish church.  They were joined by Matlock Community Choir who were on great form with an arrangement of 'Amazing Grace' and had toes tapping with Elton John's 'I'm Still Standing'.  Alfreton brought laughter to the audience with 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' with the wimaways and sounds of the jungle.  They also included a new piece 'Working in a Coal MIne' and ' Big John' that had people clapping to the rhythm and joining in.

The concert finale including 'You'll Never Walk Alone' and 'Jerusalem' brought a very noisy end to a wonderful evening.

We had a fantastic audience  which enabled us to have a very successful evening.

October 2022 Meeting

aOur talk tonight was about items that were used by our Mother's - Liberty Bodices, Izal Toilet Rolls, washboards,  and Sunlight Soap amongst other things.  Their talk included songs from the era as well as monologues.  All our members had a fun evening and contributed with their own memories.

Cromford WI Tree Planting

aCromford WI planted a crab apple tree in the Community Orchard at Norham to celebrate their twinning with Norham WI.  1st October 2022.